NEStalgia V (NES Medley #5)

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Download (End card acoustic short: Clu Clu Land Stage Theme)

  It’s time yet again for our annual NES Medley!

I’ve been keeping this tradition going since NES Medley #2 back in 2014. Like I’ve been doing the past few years, I let all of my Patreon supporters submit entries, and drew several random winners, as well as including a song pick of my own as well. This year’s 14 songs are:

1. Waterfall (Contra) 0:00
2. Death Match (Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II) 0:41
3. Balloon Trip (Balloon Fight) 1:19
4. Boss (Totally Rad) 2:03
5. Title Theme (Robocop 3) 2:31
6. Dungeon (Startropics) 3:17
7. Type A (Yoshi’s Cookie) 3:57
8. Land of Sorrow (Fire Emblem Gaiden) 4:26
9. The Big Battle (Gremlins 2) 5:28
10. Stage 2 & 5 (Jackal) 6:20
11. Stage 1 & 6 (Batman: Return of the Joker) 7:32
12. The Flooded Spire (Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril) 8:39
13. Route 1 (Clash at Demonhead) 9:23
14. Battle Theme (Dragon Quest/Warrior IV) 10:01

A lot of really great and underappreciated stuff made it’s way into this year’s NES Medley. We even had an old NES Medley #1 song show up: the Dungeon theme from Startropics. It’s a lot cooler this time around! I’ll have to get around to those other NES Medley 1 songs sometime soon…