Miror B.’s Retro Groove

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Download (End card acoustic short: Miror B’s Retro Groove)

You never know what I’m going to throw at you sometimes. So here’s Miror B.’s Retro Groove, and a little bit of Miror B‘s battle theme, from Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness!

Retro Groove is a fun and light hearted song, so combining it with rock/metal gave us a really interesting result. Salsa Metal perhaps? Something like that, haha. I know a lot of people also love Miror B.’s theme from Gale of Darkness, so I threw a play-through of that in the middle as well. So we really have the complete Miror B. package here! Except maybe Mirakle B.’s Imitation Groove… but you could achieve something similar by speeding up the video above by 1.25x.

I briefly considered trying out the vocal lines… but I can’t roll my R’s. My sincerest apologies. 🙁