Tal Tal Heights

Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Ballad of the Windfish)

With the recent reveal of an upcoming Link’s Awakening remake for the Switch, I had no choice but to finally do a song I’ve been putting off for years and years: Tal Tal Heights.

Link’s Awakening is a game I sunk a lot of time into as a kid. I remember using the shovel on practically every possible square trying to find all the seashells (this was before, ya know, you could just look up a guide/map on the internet). It was one of my staple GB games for long car rides.

Then we got the DX remake, which brought color to the game as well as the color dungeon, which featured a new arrangement of the old Zelda dungeon theme (which is my personal favorite version). Now we have a brilliant looking Switch remake coming and I’m stoked!

Tal Tal Heights is my favorite song from the game, and as I mentioned, I’ve always been meaning to get around to it but just haven’t had the opportunity. Now I have the perfect excuse. Take that, Molgera.