Side-Quests Volume 2 is coming!

10 new challengers are approaching in the GaMetal-verse: The Side-Quests 2 album is headed your way!

For those unfamiliar with the Side-Quest albums, these are made to celebrate milestone goals that we’ve reached on the GaMetal Patreon. Whenever we reach these goals, I pull 10 random songs from the Patreon Request List and confirm them to be a part of the album lineup.

The first album, Side-Quests Volume 1, happened a couple of years ago when we hit a milestone, and we hit another big milestone a little while ago so I pulled yet another 10 songs for Side-Quests 2.

This album is available NOW for all GaMetal Patrons! If you’re interested in supporting myself and GaMetal in a huge way and becoming a Patron, do consider checking out the GaMetal Patreon page. All Patrons who pledge either in March or April will also receive their name in the credits section of the future physical album!

For everyone else, the song videos will be released over the course of the next 2-3 weeks, followed by the (free) full album download once all videos are uploaded.

Let the Side-Quests begin!