Wild Fields

Apple Music
Download (MP3)
(End card acoustic short coming soon!)




Hey, it’s that awesome SNK RPG that was on the NES… Crystalis!

This is one of my personal favorite NES titles. If you’re a fan of classic top-down Zelda like games and haven’t played Crystalis, it’s on Nintendo Switch Online’s NES catalog… so go play it! It’s one of the best NES games around.

On top of being a ton of fun, the game has a wonderfully composed soundtrack. Wild Fields (which I’m pretty sure is a fan name, but it’s known well enough that we’re gonna roll with it) is the main overworld theme. But this arrangement is a little bit more than just a Wild Fields remix. I’ve thrown in a few nods to some other Crystalis tracks as well. The most obvious one being the Cave 3 theme for the guitar solo section, but there’s a quick amalgamation of 3 others I used for the intro: Semia’s Theme, the Title Theme and the Main Menu Theme.

Go play it, I’m serious. 😶