Waiting For You (Ft. Lacey Johnson)

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Download (End card acoustic short: Please Love Me… Once More)

Silent Hill is back!! Let’s celebrate with a special remix from the Silent Hill 4: The Room soundtrack, here’s “Waiting for You”, featuring the vocal stylings of the amazing Lacey Johnson! (And maybe a little Keytar as well!)

Ok first off, it’s a total coincidence that we got a news-dump of Silent Hill news right before this remix of ours. I’ve had it on my to-do list and in the works for quite a while (months).

This song sort of bends our ‘game songs only’ rule a tiny bit: it’s not actually in the game itself, but an exclusive to the official soundtrack release. Regardless, it’s still a great, as well as the most popular, song from the SH4 OST.

I’ve been familiar with Lacey Johnson for a while, and I thought she’d be a perfect fit for this song, so I asked if she’d like to join me on this one. Thankfully she obliged, and I was right: she absolutely killed it. Be sure to show Lacey some love over at her channel and in the comments below!