Can I use your songs/remixes in my videos/streams/etc?


In the past, I’ve always answered this question with a straight forward “absolutely, feel free to use whatever you’d like!”, however, due to recent internet events beyond my control, I must now add a disclaimer to this answer.

You always have my permission to use GaMetal songs in any way that you’d like (with the exception of any content that may be deemed offensive), howeverthere is a possibility that the original rights-holders of the songs (typically either the original composer or company that legally owns the song) could take issue.

On Youtube, this could lead to a video being partially or completely demonetized when a particular song (even a cover or remix of said song) is detected. This is not my doing, but the owners of the original song in question. Therefore, there is unfortunately nothing I can do to help in this situation.

The good news is while this can happen, it’s not common, and these typically do no lead to copyright strikes (and I’ve received no word of such from any Youtubers using GaMetal songs), only shared monetization (usually) or demonetization (rarely) of said video.

On Twitch, I strongly advise extreme caution with using any covers or remixes as that platform has been going through a mess of music legality issues lately. While I haven’t received any word of strikes or bans from any Twitch streamers that do play GaMetal songs during their streams in whatever way, I still must urge you to be very careful with using music on Twitch that hasn’t been approved by the original composers.

Thank you for understanding! 🙂