Twinrova ft. Nirre

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Download (End card acoustic short: Twilight Princess Main Theme)

Remember several months ago when I said a collaboration was coming soon? Well, here it is!

I was introduced to Nirre’s channel by some people on Patreon, so I shot him a message if he was interested in doing a collab. He was completely down, so after giving it some thought, I decided that Twinrova would be an awesome song for a duet.

The song itself has a lot of call-and-response and counter melodies going on, perfect for a duet. Also, coincidentally, Nirre’s main guitar is red and one of mine is blue. We were made for this song!

This song has been in development for a few months so I’m really happy we managed to get it out. I think it turned out awesome, there’s a ton of awesome guitar work here.

There will be more collaborations in the future, so until then, enjoy! 🙂