Title Theme / Brinstar

Apple Music
Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Surface of SR388)


Back in 2011 I made my first Metroid remix: a combination of the Title Theme and Brinstar. It sounds like I slapped a bunch of bs together and sped it up a little bit.

This time around, I still slapped a bunch of bs together, but in a more structured way and closer to the original tempo.

But in all seriousness… my early versions of this arrangement did not include the Title Theme, as I didn’t originally intend to have it be a part this time around, but later on, I decided to go ahead and include it because 1. Brinstar is short and 2. it’s a cool-ass song.

I try not to do directly-Smash-based arrangements these days, but I did take a lot of inspiration from the SSB Melee version of Brinstar for this arrangement as it seems to be most peoples favorite version (mine included). It has a certain adventurous vibe to it that feel best encapsulates the song.

Remember this at the end of the 2011 Brinstar video? 😅