Those Who Stand Against Our Path

Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Mor Ardain – Roaming the Wastes)

Xenoblade is BACK in the GaMetal-verse!

I was hoping to get to a XC2 song last year, but it had to wait just a little bit longer. Xeno was a popular series to show up in both last year and this year’s GaMetal song ballot, placing in the top 10 most requested series both times, despite not having done a cover/remix since 2015.

Most Xeno requests these days are for music from Xenoblade Chronicles 2, so for my first Xeno cover in 5 years, I decided to go with my personal favorite XC2 song: Those Who Stand Against Our Path.

For this version, I blended in elements from the ‘in-game version’ and the ‘OST version’. There really aren’t any HUGE differences, but these are the major ones I’ve noticed:

  • The in-game version has the guitar lead in the section after the intro (in this remix, 00:09 – 00:32), while a synth leads in the OST version. This is the most noticeable difference, in my opinion.
  • Some brass parts are far more prominent in the OST version, but this could be due to the next point.
  • The mix/master is a lot higher quality (obviously subject to opinion, but in general) in the OST version.

I followed the OST version as a reference for the instrument levels, and had the guitar lead in the post-intro section mentioned above, but brought back the synth lead for the section half-way into the song (around 2:09) where it leads in the OST version (it seems to be there in the in-game version, but far more in the background).

We’ll get back around to Xeno eventually, but for now… onward, to other songs!