The Moon

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Download (End card acoustic short: The Amazon)

Ah yes, The Moon, one of classic game music’s legendary gems.

I first covered this back in 2014 in the second ever GaMetal NES Medley, where it was the closing song. A lot has happened since then: DuckTales had a reboot, lasted 3 seasons, and was cancelled. A remastered version of the DuckTales NES game, DuckTales Remastered, was made. I think it’s about time we give this song it’s own time in the spotlight.

I’ve been considering a full version the past few years for the May Madness remake events, but there were always medley songs that had more requests. So this year, I made an exception and did two former GaMetal medley songs: Armored Armadillo a few weeks ago, and, of course, The Moon.

This arrangement is based on Jake Kaufman’s awesome version from DuckTales: Remastered, which adds a few new sections.

So off we go, to the moon!