Silver Will

Download (MP3)
(End card acoustic short coming soon!)

The Legend of Heroes series has finally made it’s way into the GaMetal universe!

This series might not be as mainstream as a lot of others we cover on the channel, but I’ve been getting a lot of requests for it over the years. Despite it’s 18 million different official arrangements, Silver Will managed to break into the top #10 most requested songs from the 2020 GaMetal Song Ballot at the #8 spot (tied with a few others), with The Legend of Heroes ranking as the #4 most requested new-to-GaMetal series (alongside Persona at #1 and Terraria at #3, #2 we haven’t gotten to yet so we’ll keep it a secret for now).

As I just, there are about 18 or 19 million official versions of Silver Will, and I listened to several during my pre-remix research. It seemed that most versions play off either the original (of course lol) and the Super Arrange version, so this remix is mostly based on Super Arrange.

I’ll certainly be returning to this series later, so don’t fret TLoH fans, we’re not done with this series yet!