Rawk Hawk

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Download (End card piano short: Rawk Hawk)

It’s time to RAWK! …and 1000 other ‘Rawk’ puns.

Paper Mario: The Origami King was just released about a week ago, so I thought we’d celebrate in classic Paper Mario fan fashion by bringing up The Thousand-Year Door again.

This song is originally pretty short (about a minute?), so I did quite a bit of arranging for this remix. I held off on the second half of the song, which plays a heavy sounding riff, till we do a couple of runs through the first few sections. Then I expanded the heavy section to be a lot longer (because I thought it sounded really cool) and also made it the dedicated solo section.

With Rawk Hawk finally complete, there’s only a few popular Paper Mario requests left hanging around (along with several other great songs that just aren’t as popular). I still have to listen to the Origami King soundtrack to see if there’s anything there we need to hit up!