Megamix Mania Ft. DrumUltimA

Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Crash Team Racing Main Menu)

Whenever I tally up songs from the GaMetal Song Ballots, I make a few different categories, one being ‘most requested new series’, to see what series we haven’t covered yet that people want to hear. Crash Bandicoot has shown up in the top 10 of that list every year since I started doing the ballot. It’s about time we remove it from ‘new series’ contention!

The Marimba is such a staple instrument to Crash Bandicoot music that I thought it’d be cool to feature an actual Marimba rather than just keyboarding it. So I called upon the amazing percussionist DrumUltimA to help me out on this one.

Ever heard a Marimba shred? Well, now you will!

DrumUltimA absolutely slayed it on this one, be sure to show him some love over at his Twitch and Youtube channels!