Master Porky’s Theme

Apple Music
Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Mr. Batty Twist)



At long last, Mother 3 has been localized for GaMetal! Oh wait, Natural Killer Cyborg… forgot about that one. Well… localized AGAIN!

I put this one on a GaMetal Patreon Halloween Poll a few years ago but it didn’t win. This year, I stuck it back in that larger Discord poll I mentioned in the Darkest Night song post, and it did well enough to be part of this year’s official poll.

The official poll ended up being one of our tightest polls of all time (the broad Discord poll method ended up working near perfectly), with 3 songs duking it out till the very end. It wasn’t till the final hours of the last day that Master Porky’s Theme ended up edging out a victory behind two other strong contenders. RIP to the 4th contender which did not do so well (as I said, near perfectly 😅).

This song might not have an immediate “Halloween sound” to it, but I’ve always felt it fit the aesthetic well enough to warrant poll inclusions. This song manages to have a sort of unsettling feel to it even throughout the more powerful/intense first half. Things get a lot creepier during the part that is later used for the Absolutely Safe Capsule theme.

Then there’s the game itself. If you’re not too keen on the ending of Mother 3, I won’t spoil anything for you, but it’s when you sit and dwell on it for a bit… it’s a very disturbing thought.

Just for the heck of it I also threw in Porky’s Porkies near the end because I like that song a lot and wanted to extend this one a little bit without having to go through an entire second loop (which didn’t feel all that necessary).

So there you have it, Halloween Special 2023! Also, it was very nice of Ne-, I mean, Sans, to join us for the video on this one.