Magikarp Festival

Download (MP3)
Download (End card acoustic short: Magikarp Festival)


The Legend of Mada Faka

Almost 6 years ago, a GaMetal subscriber left what most would write off as your everyday, run-of-the-mill request.

Some requesters might drop one or a few comments for a particular song, then either change up the song(s) in question and/or only comment every once in a while.

Then there’s Mada Faka. (lol)

This individual has been requesting Magikarp Festival on, from what I can gather, nearly every single video for the past 5 years.

(As you will see in the video, there are hundeds.)

Every now and then I like to reward people like this for their dedication and perseverance (so long as they remain respectful  😅), and a couple of months ago I decided enough is enough: it’s Magikarp Festival time.

Godspeed, Mada Faka.