Green Hill Zone

Downloads for the GaMetal album here
Download (End card acoustic short: Chao Race)

Green Hill Zone is back from 2010 GaMetal!

So this song was not part of the originally planned GaMetal album lineup. When I hired Discovery to create the Project One trailer, one of the areas he had the bards teleport to was Green Hill Zone, so I made it a part of the trailer medley that plays in the background. I liked that little part so much, I decided to just go ahead and do a full version for the album.

I wanted to keep this remix short and sweet, so it’s a lot shorter than my original 2010 version. I cut the intro section I had (the invincibilty theme), shortened the solo section a bit, and the tempo is faster. It may sound like a lot of sacrifices, but I think it made for a more streamlined arrangement.

I still kept the key higher than the original but not as high (it’s up a half step from the original now). Because of that, I’ve been told this remix is reminiscent of the Sunset Hill version, which was not intentional but still pretty cool.