Ex Machina

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Download (End card acoustic short: Tyrant’s Bounty)

Time to venture into some more of the lesser known with this arrangement of the final boss theme(s), Ex Machina, from Monolith!

This is one of those evolving songs that amps up in intensity throughout the battle, similar to the M.R. cover from Rabi-Ribi we did a couple of years back. There are 3 different phases to the theme: the first phase originally keeps things simple and doesn’t have much in the way of percussion. The second phase (which begins at around 00:45 in this remix) brings in the drums and main melody. The third and final phase (starts around 2:07 in this remix) kicks things up a notch with a rise in tempo.

A bit of an obscure reference, but this reminds me a lot of Teleroboxer music (Virtual Boy game).

Monolith is a highly praised top-down shooter roguelike, give it a try sometime!