Battle With Mortus

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Download (End card acoustic short: Battle With Mortus)

Comix Zone was a Beat ‘Em Up game (hey we just did one of those) with a unique twist: it takes place within the panels of a comic book. If that doesn’t make any sense, just check out the gameplay. It was an amazing concept that, as far as I’m aware, hasn’t returned in this fashion since.

The soundtrack to Comix Zone was extremely rockin’, and original copies of the game even came with a bonus CD that had actual grunge-rock arrangements of some of the songs! Battle With Mortus wasn’t exactly on the bonus CD, but the chorus section of Woe is the World (from the CD) does make an appearance. It also has some of the rhythm from the Introduction theme. The other parts of the song, as far as I’m aware, are original to the song itself.

I went with more of a classic-rock style as opposed to the grunge-rock Nirvana sounding style from the official CD. I tried to make this less synth-heavy and more guitar focused than I usually do, since that’s how the original sounded like it was intended.

Comix Zone has seen a few ports and returns in Sega’s classic collections, but I’d really like to see something like a sequel or remake someday. It deserves it, especially considering the insane difficulty of the original (you started with only one life!). Bring it back, Sega!