Battle With Magus

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Download (End card piano short: Wind Scene)

For the past couple of months, I’ve been trying to learn how to balance doing multiple songs at the same time to help get some more songs out. So far it’s been working, to the point where I had a plan to release 5 songs within 2 weeks during the month of May. Things went so well, I managed to get up to 7 songs, and thus GaMetal May Madness was born.

Battle With Magus was one of the first songs I planned for this 7 song event, but about midway through I almost dropped it. However, I’ve been getting a lot of Chrono Trigger requests lately, so I figured it’d be dumb not to go ahead and finish it up.

This version is pretty much identical to my old version, the biggest changes being some slight alterations to the Organ and Guitar solos.

I do plan on getting to some more Chrono Trigger sometime this year, hopefully this will suffice until then. Till next time!